Friday, January 1, 2010


So we got one of the worst snow storms VA has seen in about 10 yrs a couple weeks ago. So we bundled Ben up like the kid from Christmas Story and headed out for some fun. Ben loved the snow so much! At first he was pretty timid about handling it and walking in/around it, however, he learned pretty fast that he could jump in it :) He did not want to come in, which is not what I wanted to hear since I was freezing and hate snow. After a few more minutes of pleading with him to come inside to warm up, he went head first into a snow bank, snow went down his shirt, and he was not happy. This prompted him to want to come in and get warm :) Loves the snow, as long as it's not touching his skin in anyway-- do we blame him?

1 comment:

Aric, Marisa and Isaac said...

That is way too much snow!!!