Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Oh the resilience to a 2 year old! Ben had surgery back on May 5th to redo his tubes and remove his adenoid. We had to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 (2 hrs before his surgery) which meant we needed to leave the house by 4:30, meaning Brian and I were up at 3:45- YUCK! The only upside to having to be there so early is there wasn't any traffic :) Ben was in great spirits and even had fun exploring the new environment. Eventually we gave him the "magic elixir" which made him extremely groggy and knocked him out. Up until the point of sleep he was the funniest thing we'd ever seen- think 2 year old drunk out of his mind. He was making jokes and doing the funniest things, he even convinced the doctor to trade scrub hats with him. Surgery went fine but the waking up part was pretty tough. It's never easy to see your baby hooked up to tubes, monitors, screaming as if he's being murdered, and knowing there is nothing you can do for him. After they had him all situated I was allowed to pick him up and just hold him. This seemed to calm him down a bit and for the following two hours he drifted in and out of sleep. When he finally woke up he was a bit cranky but again in decent spirits. He loved the wheelchair ride from recovery up to discharge- he kept telling the nurse to go faster. By the time we left the hospital you would never know he had surgery, he was a ball of energy and has only gotten better with each passing day. Here are a few pics.....


After convincing doc to trade scrub hats- ready to go
The third pic is post op